Saturday, 16 May 2020

How to clear BNE cache for WebADI Development

A. Releases prior to 12.2.7
Using System Administrator responsibility:

1. Login to the application as a user with System Administrator Responsibility.
2. Select the System Administrator Responsibility.
3. Bring up the AdminServlet by changing the URL in the browser where you are logged into the applications keeping the appropriate hostname.domain and port number.

Release 11i:
On the new web page that loads, scroll down and click the "clear-cache" link

Release 12.0 - 12.6:
On the new web page that loads, scroll down to the Cache Name section.
Clear the cache for the following by clicking the "(clear)" link:

Cache Name
Default Cache
Generic SQL Statements
Web ADI Repository Objects
Web ADI Parameter Lists
Web ADI Parameter Definitions
The BNE cache is now cleared.

B. Release 12.2.7 and higher:
Access to the BneAdminServlet is now secured by the function WDF_CREATE_INTEGRATOR (Desktop Integration Manager - Create Integrator).
1. Login to the application.
2. Select the Desktop Integration Manager responsibility or a responsibility that includes the function WDF_CREATE_INTEGRATOR.
3. Proceed as in step 5 for release 12 above.