--Query to get Package/procedure used with WebADI Interface
SELECT ba.attribute2 interface_pkg_proc
FROM apps.bne_attributes ba,
apps.bne_param_lists_b bplb,
apps.bne_interfaces_b bib,
apps.bne_integrators_tl bit
WHERE bib.upload_param_list_code = bplb.param_list_code
AND bib.integrator_code = bit.integrator_code
AND ba.attribute_code = bplb.attribute_code
AND bit.user_name = <integrator_name>;
--Query to get the Content/View Name for the WebADI
SELECT bct.*
FROM apps.bne_contents_tl bct,
apps.bne_contents_b bcb,
apps.bne_integrators_tl bit
WHERE bit.integrator_code = bcb.integrator_code
AND bcb.content_code = bct.content_code
AND bit.user_name = <integrator_name>;